In The Good Girl, Mia Dennett is a beloved art teacher who suddenly goes
missing. Her egotistical, obstinate father refuses to believe she’s in danger
and thinks Mia’s just done something impulsive. Her mother and the detective
assigned to her case will stop at nothing to find her. Is Mia really a good
girl, or is there more than meets the eye?
Mary Kubica’s debut novel is a suspenseful, emotional roller
coaster. The story is told from the points of view of Mia’s mother, the
detective trying to find her, and Mia’s abductor. I really liked that readers
hear from her abductor, and are able to see his point of view. You find out
early on that Mia returns home, but the in-between is a mystery.When the truth of what happened is revealed, you won't believe it.
If you’re looking for a book like Gone Girl, you just found
your next read.