Monday, November 12, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James

Cover imageYes, I admit it. I did read this book. I really needed to know what all of the hype was all about, so I waited (and waited) and finally checked it out. It's a really quick read (considering it is over 500 pages long) and I will say it kind of kept my interest. (Well, in reality, I just wanted to get to the parts that everyone is talking about.) However, it left me with a lot more questions than answers:

1. What is the big deal? There are plenty of erotic novels out there, but why is this one so popular?
2. After it's read, why are so many people talking about it? There just wasn't much to it, in my opinion.
3. Sex scenes? Nothing original here, and yet...
4. It's a trilogy? Really, two more books following the same story line. I mean, what else can happen?

I don't mean to sound like I hated Fifty Shades of Grey, because I didn't. I just do not understand what the big deal is.

So, to those of you that are still waiting... I hope you enjoy!


Read alike author: Robin Schone

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