Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Stranger by Harlan Coben

I read a lot of thrillers. I have read a lot of thrillers. I intend to continue reading thrillers. But I am pretty sure that Harlan Coben's newest, The Stranger, is going to end up being one of the best. The book has 56 chapters, and by Chapter 55 I still was not totally sure of what happened or who was to blame. Now that is some excellent story-telling!

The premise is somewhat familiar - husband finds out that wife has been keeping a secret from him for quite some time. Husband confronts wife. Wife gets upset and asks for "time" and takes off. Husband does not worry too much until wife is gone a little too long and cannot be reached. Husband gets nervous and starts looking for wife. Husband discovers bad guys are involved. Real bad guys. Cops may or may not be in on it. Innocent husband now perfect suspect.

Heard it before, correct?

But when Harlan Coben is doing the writing, it is all just a little different. And way better.

Good luck figuring it out ahead of time.


Read alike author: Linwood Barclay

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