Perhaps because I thought Augusten Burroughs’ new book
This is How: Help for the Self—Proven Aid in Overcoming Shyness, Molestation, Fatness, Spinsterhood, Grief, Disease,Lushery, Decrepitude, and More. For Young and Old Alike would be a parody
of a self help book rather than an actual self help book, I found myself
becoming very critical of it from the start. Once I realized and accepted a few
chapters in that this was Burroughs’ sincere attempt to write a legitimate self
help book, I still had major problems with it. First of all, he is smug
throughout the book and this grows tiresome very quickly. At the beginning of
the book Burroughs relays an incident where a stranger in an elevator asked him
why he wasn’t smiling. A lot of people find this sort of
smile-through-your-problems-no-matter-what advice grating, but Burroughs
delivers a book full of equally annoying self help clichés or just plain stupid
advice, such as suggesting that the terminally ill gorge on sweets. You get the
sense that he feels he’s making some profound points when all he’s doing is
rattling off one tired observation after another.
Second, I wonder how he is qualified to write about certain
subjects. In one chapter he states that
treatment for anorexia is not very advanced, that doctors and psychologists
don’t know how to treat it with consistent success, and that half of those with
anorexia do not recover. He then goes on to explain how he would treat someone
with anorexia, as if he knows better than experts in the field or people who
have suffered from it.
This Is How might
have been more effective if Burroughs had focused on areas of self help where
he has some experience or at least some sort of connection. When he does focus
on areas that have troubled him, such as suicidal thoughts or alcoholism, the
book is much better. But a few chapters can’t save a whole book. Whether you
are looking for a good self help book or are a fan of Burroughs, this book is
likely to disappoint.
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