I just found my new favorite beach read this summer -
The Last Original Wife. Ms. Frank has once again written an intelligent, women's novel about family life. This time, the plot revolves around Leslie Anne Green Carter, married for 30 years to the very successful Wesley Carter. On the outside, all seems well. The Carters have a lovely home, they belong to the best country club in town, travel in all the right social circles, etc., etc. But Leslie is anything but well. As a matter of fact, she is miserable. She has just lost one of her best friends, and her other closest friend is going through a nasty divorce. In both cases, their husbands (and Wesley's best friends) have all moved on to much, much younger wives. Her once wonderful social life is now a lonely disaster!
Then, Leslie discovers a secret that her husband has been keeping for years and years. She is crushed; she has always been faithful and has done everything in her power to be a perfect wife. The betrayal is just too much, and now she must decide (for once in her life) what is best for
With a setting in the Lowcountry, this novel is a perfect blend of southern charm, drama, and even a little humor thrown in.
Read-alike author: Nancy Thayer
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