I have struggled on how to proceed to blog this title. As the latter half of the title states
A Box of Darkness: the Story of a Marriage is what it is; Sally Brady's memoir of her marriage. But it feels more like a biography of her late husband, Upton Brady. Upton was an editor for Atlantic Monthly, and a very prominent force in literary circles in the 1960s and 1970s. The Bradys lived a life of glamour, hobnobbing with the rich and famous. Sally, a debutante and writer herself before marrying Upton, knew how to fit right in with this crowd.
But the Bradys also had some secrets that could (and would) almost destroy them. Alcoholism and closet homosexuality just to name a few.
So this is really a story of survival. Sally Brady waited until her husband's death to reveal what her life had really been like, and it is fascinating.
If you like non-fiction that reads like fiction, this would be a good choice. I listened to the audio version of this, and thought it was really well done.
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