Thursday, December 12, 2013

Let's Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson

Jenny Lawson is also known as The Bloggess and is the creator and writer of the award winning blog of the same name.  Her book, Let's Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir), details what has made her the way she is.  It starts with her childhood years, living in rural west Texas, with her father who owns a taxidermy shop and occasionally makes puppets out of dead animals, her mother, and younger sister Lisa, as well as an array of pets, including at one point turkeys, who did happen to follow her to school one day (and proceeded to humiliate her).  She winds her way, mostly chronologically, through to her adult life, with her husband Victor and daughter Hailey.  This book is genuinely hilarious and may have you literally laughing out loud. However, there are layers (as with any true life story) that are both heartwarming and heartbreaking; the chapters where she recounts her difficulty to have her daughter, her battles with severe anxiety, and as she realizes her crazy family may be kind of wonderful.  Additionally, the mouse dressed in the Hamlet outfit on the cover, totally makes an appearance in the book.  And if you're looking for a good book to listen to, Lawson does a superb job of narrating the audio book.


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