If you read this blog regularly, you know I am a huge fan of Jackie Collins. After all, she is the queen of trash! But I am sorry to say that his one did not do anything for me. Perhaps if I had not read the others, I might have enjoyed it more.
In Confessions of a Wild Child: Lucky: The Early Years, the widower Gino Santangelo has had it with his 15-year-old daughter, Lucky. She is constantly getting into trouble, and will not listen to anyone. Since Gino is a very busy man with his questionable businesses, he decides to ship her off to a very exclusive boarding school to try and tame her. Once there, Lucky meets Olympia, an equally rich and independent girl, and ends up getting a very different education than her father would have liked. Sex, drugs, parties, clubs, etc. is all that Lucky seems to care about. Even a misguided trip to the South of France cannot tame this wild child! Lucky has a mind of her own, and she will do what she wants no matter what.
But Gino has other plans...
Readalike: Chances by Jackie Collins, the first in the Lucky Santangelo series.
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