Sarah and her husband Josh have had it with the hectic pace of New York City. When Josh is offered a teaching position in a small town in Virginia, they jump on it. Green Acres here we come! But as we all know, change can be very difficult. While Josh is off to his new job and meeting new people, Sarah is kind of stuck. Well, actually really stuck! You see, Sarah cannot drive. How can she find a job or have a life on her own when she can't get behind the wheel of a car?
On top of all this, Josh is starting to bring the whole baby thing up again. After all, she is no longer working at her high powered marketing job. So what's to stop them from starting a family, right? Sarah really has no answer for that logic.
Except that Sarah is afraid. Afraid of driving, afraid of becoming a mother, afraid she will not fit in her new surroundings.
But when news of a friend in trouble reaches her, Sarah must overcome her doubts and fears and put someone else's circumstances ahead of her own.
Can she do it?
Read-alike author: Elizabeth Berg, Joanna Trollope
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